7th Grade Digital Art: Animation

For this project you will learn a little bit about the history and basics of animation, and create your own animation using cut paper, digital cameras, and Windows Movie Maker.

First go to Word Central to look up these important vocabulary words. Make sure you write down the definition that relates to animation:

Now learn some of the basics of animation. Go to Cartoonster and answer the questions on your worksheet. 
Stop-motion animation clips.

You will work in groups to create your animations. It is up to you to decide who will have which responsibilities. First you must think of a simple idea for your animation. You have to make a lot of individual pictures (or frames) for an animation, so the simpler the idea, the better!
Some examples are:
a short scene between two characters, a night ski that fills up with stars, a cookie that gets bites taken out of it until it disappears, an ice cream cone that increases in scoops, a plant that grows and blooms, a ball that bounces across the page and back again, and a volcano starts erupting.
Once you have an idea, draw it on to the storyboard. You MUST have AT LEAST 16 frames.
First we will make our sets and take photos. Then you will follow the steps on your worksheet to make your animation in Windows Movie Maker. Ms. Fowler will give you a demonstration.

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