7th Digital Arts: T-shirts with a STATEMENT

For this project you will be designing T-shirts with a message. You should address an issue you feel strongly about and create a design that reflects your feelings. First complete the Research and Planning worksheets.

Go to the Scholastic Word Wizard and write the definitions to the following words. Make sure you are choosing the definition that relates to the project.


Look through the examples of "issues" you could address on your T-shirt. Talk about these with a partner and brainstorm your own list. Write down 10 ideas that you may use.

1. Before you start sketching, look through the links to see how other designers have addressed political or social issues. Pick your favorite three and answer the questions on your worksheet.
Threadless  (or here)

*******  Now research a social issue that you would like to address. This link may help.

2. Sketch 6 different designs. Use colored pencil.

3. Choose two design directions to refine.

4. Open the T-shirt templates. They can be found in Julie Vermeer Classroom folder > 7th Digital Arts > _Templates. Design TWO different T-shirts.

5. Be original and creative. No copying existing slogans, logos, or characters. Show care and craftsmanship. Have fun!

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