8th Grade Digital Arts: Super Crazy CMS

You will be using Adobe Photoshop to create a "Super Extreme School." I have taken a photo of a CMS hallway for you to start with. You should add other things to this photo to turn it into your own "Super Extreme School." Are there wild animals running loose? Oooze coming from a locker? Is the floor covered in water? Use the cut and paste tools and the image adjustments to change this picture drastically. You must use parts of AT LEAST 5 images. The more the better! You will make two versions, and hand the best one in for grading.
  1. Go to the folder Vermeer Classroom > 8th Grade Web Dev. and Design > __Templates.
  2. Open up the image titled "SuperExtremeHallway.tif" in Photoshop.
  3. Search for images on the internet. Either find them from the "Copyright Free Images" link on the right, or go to Google Image Search. *Remember, you must search ONLY Large images. If they are sized smaller than about 200k, they will be too small and will appear pixelated.
  4. Cut from other photos to paste onto your photo of the hallway.
  5. Use filters and image adjustments to change the color of the lockers, floor and ceiling if you want too.
  6. Blend these photos together to make them look as real as possible.
  7. Make two different versions. When your are finished, save the BEST one into the "HAND IN FINAL WORK" folder.

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