6th Grade Digital Arts: Surreal Self Portraits


1. Start by opening your photo in Photoshop.

2. Go to Image > Image size, and make it 7.5 inches wide and 10 inches high. The resolution should be 300 dpi.

3. Go to Image > Adjustments > Auto Levels. This is a good way to correct any photos that you use. Save this photo as your Original. Keep an original in case you are not happy with how you change it.

4. Use Filters, Image Adjustments, and Copy and Paste from other photos to create a strange and unreal version of yourself.

5. After you have changed the photo of yourself into a whole new creature, flatten all of the layers. Save the Final version as a .tif file into the “Final work to hand in” folder.

6. We will view and critique your final creations in class.

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