8th Digital Arts: Self-Portrait Photography

1. Complete the Photography Tips and Vocabulary Worksheet, use these links:

13 Lessons on Photography

2. Read and sign "Camera Contract"
3. Check out cameras
4. Follow Ms. Fowler's directions on setting up your camera
5. Take 20 to 30 pictures that show who you are. Try close-ups, blurry or out of focus shots, different expressions, disguises, etc. You are trying to show the real you. Delete the pictures you don't like.
6. Pick the best 8 to 10 pictures to download into your classroom folder. Watch and demonstration on downloading your photos. When you do it your
self, follow the directions on your handout.
7. Try adjusting the color in Photoshop.You can go to Image > Adjustments > Auto Contrast or Auto Color.

8. Make TWO DIFFERENT collage designs of your photos using Photoshop. You can cut your pictures up, add words, repeat things, change the color, etc. The size should be "U.S. Paper" or 8.5 inches wide by 11 inches tall. 300ppi.
9. Save your collage to the HAND IN FINAL WORK folder as "YourLastNameCollage".
10. Have fun!

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