6th Digital Arts: Typographic Self Portraits

Graphic designers pay close attention to the way letters and words look. They use typography to create interesting designs. For this project, you will use typography (the art of designing or arranging letters and words) in a new way to make a self-portrait!
Begin by looking up the following words. Go to dictionary.com. Write the definitions on your worksheet.
  1. self-portrait
  2. typography
  3. font
  4. contrast
  5. graphic design
We will look at examples of different fonts and examples of typography in graphic design.
  1. Of the fonts shown, which best reflects your personality?
  2. Look at the design examples. Write down one way you see graphic designers use letters as part of the art, more than just a word.
  3. Write down letters (or numbers or symbols) you may use for the different parts of your portrait.
Create a self-portrait of yourself using only typographic forms (letters, numbers and symbols from your keyboard). 
  1. Open Adobe Illustrator (yellow, "Ai" icon)
  2. Go to File > New, to create a new document. Change the name to "YourLastNamePortrait" (for example FowlerPortrait). Leave the size as "letter."
  3. Use the "T' tool to make a text box. Type different letters and try different fonts.
  4. When you find a letter you would like to use in your portrait, click on the text box with the arrow tool, then go to Type > Create Outlines.
  5. After your letter has been outlined it is easy to change the size, place and direction.
  6. Your portrait should be made in only letters and numbers and use only black and white
  7. Think about how to make it look like you
  8. Save your finished drawing into the "Hand in Final Work" folder. Ms. Fowler will tell you when they need to be finished.

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