6th Grade Digital Art: Design a Magazine Cover

You have the choice between two projects:

1. Design a magazine cover that features YOU in the future. If you were on the cover of a magazine, what would it be? What would the magazine be called? What would the headlines read? The magazine could be one that exists, or one you create.

2. You are the Art Director for a new magazine. What will your magazine be about? What is it called? What will it look like?

Planning Worksheet
Complete the planning worksheet and sketch for your magazine cover.
Look at some magazine cover designs HERE.


Go to the Word Wizard. Write the definition for each vocabulary word. Make sure you choose the definition that relates to publishing a magazine
  • masthead
  • article
  • periodical
  • editor
  • theme
  • font

Begin your design:

1. Open Adobe Photoshop. Create a new document that is 8.5 by 11 inches, and 300dpi

2. Add any copy-right free images and text you would like.
You must include:
  • at least 2 pictures
  • a masthead
  • 3 article titles
  • issue month
  • and a barcode to help make your magazine look authentic
3. Save your final design to your folder, and to the "HAND IN FINAL WORK" folder.

Have Fun!

Here is the barcode for you to add to your design:

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